ASPIRE Musical Theatre

This is a new initiative for the ASPIRE program. The Musical Theatre program will allow students to work on their triple threat skills, while engaging in musical theatre style performances. It will help them to become an all-round performer.  

This program will be run by Lauren Harvey, Dance Director. 

This is program will commence in Term 4 and is open to Junior (Year 5 – Year 8) and Senior (Years 9 – Year 12) students. Juniors will rehearse every Tuesday afternoon, and Seniors will rehearse every Wednesday afternoon during Term 4.

A final showcase will be staged at the Civic Playhouse Newcastle in December.

The cost is $200.00, and scholarships are available. A flyer is attached with further information.

To register, please click on the following link:

If you require further information, please contact Anne Atkins on 4979-1331 or email: