Why should students be a part of the drama ensemble?

Have you ever imagined that you were the world’s most courageous super hero who single-handedly rowed against the current onto the Island of Smoke where you slayed the monstrous fire-breathing dragon? Or perhaps you were the beautiful Princess Kung-fu master who saved the world from alien invasion?

If you have dreamed and imagined any story, then Drama is for you. We all act every day. Some of us love to live in the imaginary world and we are constantly day-dreaming about far off places and crazy events. If this is you, then audition now.

The Drama Ensemble is incredibly fun but really challenging. As a member of the group you will be involved in creating the script and creating your character and bringing it to life on stage. The students work together as a close group and form strong friendships. It is this wonderful paradox of fun and hard work.

If you enjoy acting and have a passion to improve your performance skills, then you should really think about auditioning for the next Aspire. If you enjoy telling stories and working with others, then Aspire Drama is just for you. You will certainly learn new things and be a part of a creative experience with like-minded students.

What are you waiting for?

What are we looking for in auditions?

I am mainly looking for believers. Those people who are committed to their characters. I want people who think for themselves and make decisions about what their character is. I look for people who are team players, who can both lead and follow in scenes. People who can adapt in situations when required.

I want to see people who have high energy and good focus. People who take acting seriously but not themselves. People who are willing to learn and who want to go on the amazing journey that Aspire is. 

Skills developed in the production process

We worked really hard this year on character. Students did many various activities for develop their characterisation and we were impressed with the depth of character that was evident in the show. Students worked hard on “making it real” so that they were acting in truth.

We also worked on script work and this included how to deliver a line, the importance of timing, how to block your performance so that you move with meaning on stage.

This year we also did stage combat which was great fun and really helped movement.

Students also learnt to improve their inter-personal skills such as team work and co-operation; Working with others and compromising. They also improved their decision making skills and skills in the analysis of script.